2024-04-27 00:57:23 -04:00

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.ai <message> or botname: <message>
Basic usage.
Personality is preset by bot operator.
.x <user> <message>
This allows you to talk to another user's chat history.
<user> is the display name of the user whose history you want to use
.persona <personality type or character or inanimate object>
Changes the personality. It can be a character, personality type, object, idea.
.custom <custom prompt>
Allows use of a custom system prompt instead of the roleplaying prompt
Reset to preset personality
Remove personality and reset to standard model settings
Available at https://github.com/h1ddenpr0cess20/ollamarama-matrix
List of users authorized to use these commands
List available models
.model <model>
Change the model
.temperature <#>
Set temperature value between 0 and 1. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only)
.top_p <#>
Set top_p value between 0 and 1. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only)
.repeat_penalty <#>
Set repeat_penalty between 0 and 2. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only)
Reset bot for everyone (bot owner only)
.gpersona <personality>
Change default global personality (bot owner only)
.gpersona reset
Reset global personality (bot owner only)
.auth <user>
Add an admin (bot owner only)
.deauth <user>
Remove an admin (bot owner only)