**.ai _message_** or **botname: _message_**  Basic usage. **.x _user_ _message_**  This allows you to talk to another user's chat history.  _user_ is the display name of the user whose history you want to use **.persona _personality_**  Changes the personality. It can be a character, personality type, object, idea, whatever. Use your imagination. **.custom _prompt_**  Allows use of a custom system prompt instead of the roleplaying prompt **.reset**  Clear history and reset to preset personality **.stock**  Clear history and use without a system prompt **Available at** https://github.com/h1ddenpr0cess20/ollamarama-matrix ~~~ **Admin only commands** **.model _model_**  Omit model name to show current model and available models  Include model name to change model **.clear**  Reset bot for everyone