.ai or botname: Basic usage. Personality is preset by bot operator. .x This allows you to talk to another user's chat history. is the display name of the user whose history you want to use .persona Changes the personality. It can be a character, personality type, object, idea. .custom Allows use of a custom system prompt instead of the roleplaying prompt .reset Reset to preset personality .stock Remove personality and reset to standard model settings Available at https://github.com/h1ddenpr0cess20/ollamarama-matrix ~~~ .admins List of users authorized to use these commands .models List available models .model Change the model .temperature <#> Set temperature value between 0 and 1. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only) .top_p <#> Set top_p value between 0 and 1. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only) .repeat_penalty <#> Set repeat_penalty between 0 and 2. To reset to default, type reset instead of a number. (bot owner only) .clear Reset bot for everyone (bot owner only) .gpersona Change default global personality (bot owner only) .gpersona reset Reset global personality (bot owner only) .auth Add an admin (bot owner only) .deauth Remove an admin (bot owner only)